“Free Booze” What could possibly go wrong?

Massachusetts has banned businesses with liquor licenses from offering lower-priced drinks during happy hours since 1984, after a woman in Braintree was killed by a drunk driver who had consumed seven beers at a happy hour event.  The Gaming Act provision specifies that free alcoholic beverages can be served on a casino’s gaming floor.  Free.  Not just two for one, not half price, not with a purchased sandwich, just “free”.


Question One:  If your “business model” depends on an inebriated customer, what does that tell us about the product you are selling and your intent as to the health of the local community?


Question Two:  If you are a small tavern, family restaurant, or other small dining/drinking establishment in the shadow of a casino, how do you compete with “FREE”?


Question Three:  What’s the difference between a drunk driver on highway leaving “Happy Hour” versus a drunk driver on the highway leaving the blackjack tables?


Question Four: Why would our state treasurer who called the Happy Hour ban a “a very important public safety issue” not be against the Gaming Act that allows free liquor?


Question Five: Why would our state Attorney General not be against the Gaming Act that allows free liquor when she, in the past has tried to close the loopholes in our states drunk driving laws?


About John May

Resident of Franklin Massachusetts, working to create a better world for my children.
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